30 / August / 2017 11:43

Iran northwestern city, new destination for European tourists

EghtesadOnline: The city of Ardebil in northwest of the Iranian capital has become a new destination for the European tourists with its spectacular scenaries, governor general of the Ardebil province said on Friday.

News ID: 778879

Addressing closing ceremony of a traditional food exhibition, Majid Khodabakhsh referred to Meshginshahr Suspension Bridge, Shourabil Lake, Gardaneh Heyran Cable Car and traditional foods as tourist attractions of the Ardebil Province.

According to IRNA, Khodabakhsh added that hundreds of European tourists visited Ardebil in the past five months.

Tourism can also help attracting foreign investment to the province in order to improve local tourism industry, said the official.

Growth of tourism industry was one of the top priorities which has got momentum after the July 2015 historic nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran and the six world powers- US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany.

Ardebil is known for its silk and carpet trade tradition. Ardebil rugs are renowned and the ancient Ardebil Carpets are considered some of the best of the classical Persian carpet creations. Ardebil is also known as the seat of a World Heritage Site: the Ardebil Shrine, the sanctuary and tomb of Shaikh Safî ad-Dîn, eponymous founder of the Safavid dynasty.

Meshginshahr suspension bridge which crosses the Khiav River, near Meshginshahr, Ardebil Province, is one of the modern tourisst attractions of the province. It is the Middle East's largest suspension bridge with a height of 80 metres and length of 365 metres.


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